May 7, 2024

The Lost Ark: New content in the August update

Over a year after the European release, a new class will be introduced in the Lost Ark with the big August update. There are also new raids, cosmetic items, and an event to discover.

In the first raid, the players and their Legion attacked the Plague Legion Commander together. This constantly required lives and spirits in Artetine. Up to eight players can participate in the Legion Raid to earn rewards. The new Guardian Raid takes players into battle against Guardian Sonavel. The entry requirement is item level 1,580.

The biggest change of course is the introduction of the air dancer. This can conjure up mystical illusions affecting the weather or obliterate enemies with a violent swing of her umbrella. You receive bonuses to attack and defense via a sun shower bar. If the bar is full, there will be an area effect in addition to the standard attack or optional damage reduction for the player or their party members. The Air Dancer is equipped with the following six skills:

  • Rain Shower: Creates a rain shower in the target area that causes damage.
  • Tornado Dance: Open your parachute and spin it quickly while darting forward and dealing damage. You end up swinging the parachute with full force, knocking the opponent off and doing additional damage to them.
  • A storm is approaching: Create a huge tsunami around the target location. It sucks enemies in and spits them out, dealing damage.
  • Scorching Sun: Create a beam of sunshine at the enemy’s location. Sunlight shines, knocking opponent down and dealing damage.
  • Fool’s Blade: Throw the screen and attack the enemies in front of you. It deals damage and disappears. Then quickly slide forward 12 times to deal damage and pull the enemy in the direction of the cut. Catch the falling parachute and perform the powerful “Football” skill that destroys the enemy in front of you and drives them away.
  • Storm Drill: Perform a hurricane attack with saturating winds with a parachute. If the target is on the ground or in the air while doing this, it will be picked up again and dealt damage.
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The Lost Ark website also has videos of the update’s trailer Air dancer skills.