June 17, 2024

Lloyd Austin: US Secretary of Defense temporarily relinquishes his official duties

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin temporarily handed over his duties to his deputy, Kathleen Hicks, due to a medical procedure. The Pentagon said it was a planned, “simple, non-surgical” procedure on Austin’s bladder. The complaints to be addressed were not related to the Minister’s diagnosis of prostate cancer, and had “no impact on his excellent cancer prognosis.”

The operation is scheduled to be performed at Walter Reed Military Hospital on Friday evening (local time). The US Presidential Office and the US Congress were informed of the incident. After the process, the Ministry will inform the public again.

Criticism after finding out about cancer

In the United States of America It is common practice for the public to remain fully informed about the health of senior politicians. Austin was criticized earlier this year for keeping his prostate cancer secret and a hospital stay after complications from the procedure. US President Joe Biden did not know for several days that his minister was in the hospital. The Pentagon subsequently launched internal investigations to improve responsibilities and notification chains in the event that the minister contracts the disease.

In February, Austin was returned to Walter Reed Clinic with a bladder problem, was admitted to the intensive care unit for a second time, and underwent a non-surgical procedure under general anesthesia. Since this incident, the department has been closely monitoring Austin’s health. In mid-February, he briefly handed over official duties to his deputy Hicks due to a bladder problem.

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