May 12, 2024

Fridolin in Science and Literature – Bad Skingen

On weekends, a number of events are dedicated to Saint Fridolin. These are in Bad Sckingen and in Stein.

Even after a millennium and a half, Saint Fridolin remains a fascinating figure who inspires science, religion, literature and art. Today and tomorrow there are events in Bad Skiingen and the neighboring Swiss community of Stein dedicated to the German missionary and founder of the Skiingen Monastery.

Today at the Mnsterpfarrhof from nine to twelve noon it’s all about the figure of Saint Fridolin in literature, history and the present. Writers Gabriel Aliouth and Sandhya Haswani will present their books, and the monastery’s archivist, Adelheid Lange, and German professor Fridolin Steli will lecture. From 2:15 pm to 6 pm, Fridolin will be examined from a scientific perspective. Speaking will be historian Sebastian Greninger, city archivist Evelyn Klein, archaeologist Christian Mayes, historian Annalina Müller, and Mechtilde Bernbacher, who dealt with the biography of Fridolin by Balther von Skingen. The duo Wunderkram will provide the evening’s music from 6:15 p.m. On Saturday, history professor Piet Enff (University of Zurich) will give a lecture on “Fridolin and History” from 10 to 11 o’clock in the Steinhall building and shed light on the Sislerfeld and the Upper Rhine from a historical perspective. The meeting day will be held at the Stein Parish Center from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.