May 6, 2024

Sets Distrowatch Solus to inactive

Friday, April 14, 2023, Ralph Hersel

We were already concerned about Solus’ distribution in January. In mid-January they disappeared websiteand dev tracker and project forum. Technical problems were given as the reason for this, which Beatrice Myers, responsible for health reasons, was unable to resolve until one month later.

Solus is a full-featured, independent, and rolling stock Linux distribution aimed at desktop users. The project was brought to life by Ikey Doherty, with the initial release of Solus 1.0 in 2015, which offered users a modern and easy-to-use Linux distribution suitable for both novice and experienced users. He left the project in 2018 after spending the past year focusing on a new project, Serpent OS, which did not yet have a stable release. The next big blow to the project came in early 2022 when Joshua Strobel, President of Solus, officially resigned.

Solus has now been removed from DistroWatch’s list of active distributions. Moreover He writes DistroWatch:

A distribution that has not released a new release for two years or more is marked as dormant in our database. The distribution may still be a work in progress, but it hasn’t released any new stable releases. When a passive distribution releases a new stable release, it is marked as active. A project can also be marked as dormant when it no longer plans to release future versions, i.e. planned inactivity while maintaining older versions.

The last Solus 4.3 was released on July 11, 2021, almost two years ago. It is difficult to say whether the project is still alive. However, the fact that there was no publication and no statement from the project for a long time indicated that Solus was not able to sail out of the storm.

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