May 6, 2024

Vaccination opponents are putting herd immunity at risk in the United States - more and more vaccine expires

Vaccination opponents are putting herd immunity at risk in the United States – more and more vaccine expires

In Germany, nearly three quarters of the population wants to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is the result of the current YouGov survey conducted by Deutsche Presse-Agentur. In the USA, of all places, which in the past few months have often been seen as a role model in terms of vaccination progress, the number of doses taken is now stagnant. According to a report by the ARD magazine “Weltspiegel”, experts even fear that herd immunity is at risk. Reason: anti-vaccination.

There is talk of a “Biden shot” in a West Virginia bar, for example. Mary Fels explains in an ARD report that she does not trust her government. “Why should I take something pushing hard?” The American said in an interview with Washington reporter Kerstin Klein “More than a flu shot.” ​​Like many of her citizens, Fels not only criticizes Joe Biden, but also the vaccination itself.

Pharmacist: “It’s very hard not to waste anything”

Suspicion is especially prevalent in rural areas. Trump supporters often refuse to be vaccinated. This is why vaccines are overpopulated in conservative areas like West Virginia. While vaccines for Covid-19 are not yet or barely available in large parts of the world, many doses remain in the United States – and eventually must be destroyed due to expiration dates.

So pharmacist Heidi Griffith Romero is trying hard to find buyers. “It’s so hard not to waste anything. I’ve been driving around town to find people, and calling local companies whenever I have something to save.” She explains, holding an example of a glass bottle in front of the camera: “Here I have three cans of Johnson & Johnson that have expired.” .

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Vaccination centers attract free drinks and lottery tickets

Appointments are no longer necessary at Romero’s pharmacy. Anyone wanting a “shot” will get it right away. In order to get more people to get vaccinated again, many vaccination stores and centers offer incentives. Free drinks, savings bonds, and sweepstakes should appeal to skeptics.

But many who are against vaccination cannot be persuaded either. On the contrary: Skeptics like Bob Glendinning and his wife Jenny see the shows as bribes. Her main concern is that she no longer has a choice, as Bob explains: “I am a free person. I love my freedom. So don’t try to take it away!”