May 12, 2024 – The cooperative deduction game can now be played online

Written by Hanga Schloth . Published in New Releases

Czech Games Edition have them Online version she has Cooperative deduction game “letter jam” published. And since he is a Browser implementation You can start immediately without installation, registration, etc.

Only the online version is currently available in 3 languages (Czech, English, German), instead of 7 as originally planned, and the remaining languages ​​will follow soon.

This is what the game is about

“Jam the message” is a Cooperative word game for 2-6 people. You have to support each other to guess the words. You don’t see your message card, only those of the other people at the table.

First, everyone receives a set of letter cards that form words, which are chosen either via the app or by other players. The first card is then placed in the holder so you can’t see it yourself.

Everyone should form words using these cards. Whoever forms the longest word gives clues to the others, who now have to guess the letter in front of them.

if I were Online version You want to try, You can do that here. You can also read the rules here or watch them as a video. Unfortunately, there is still a shortage of players here at the moment.

sources (As of September 8, 2023):

the news

Jam message online


Tags: 2-6 people, words, guessing game, online, cooperative

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