May 14, 2024

Habitat for Humanity builds Canada’s first three-dimensional printed house

Habitat for Humanity in Windsor-Essex It has been announced that Canada’s first 3D printed house will be built in Leamington, Ontario, just beyond the Detroit border.

Habitat collaborates with the University of Windsor-Essex and InvestWindsorEssex (IWE), a non-profit development organization managed by the Province of Essex and the city of Windsor. Some funding is also provided through the Innovation Fund of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Habitat It is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world and one of the largest private home builders in the United States. This system has quickly become one of the leading in the production of additives for home construction. Last fall, Habitat printed homes in several US states and funded a home printing company in India.

The Habitat will print a group of four small houses, each measuring approximately 46 square meters. It is not yet clear on which machine the homes will be printed, but for US projects, Habitat and its partners used COBOD’s BOD2 printer.

The special feature of this project is that IWE used CAD models to create a virtual reality (VR) environment for homes built by Habitat. In this way, design errors must be recognized in advance and corrected. For simulation, the team relied on the Unity software platform, originally created for the development of video games. According to Stephen McKenzie, President and CEO of IWE, VR will not only facilitate customization, but also significantly speed up the lengthy and rigorous housing permitting process.

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Here is an overview of companies involved in 3D printing of homes. Here is a compilation of myths about building a house with 3D printing.


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