May 18, 2024

From the perspective of grizzlies, orcas and humpback whales

Catch fresh fish: There is a good opportunity to photograph salmon in the river Clyde.
Image: Vin Schumacher

On the west coast of British Columbia, Canada’s indigenous peoples run their own lodges for tourists. The latest is in Desolation Sound – with sightings of grizzlies, orcas and humpback whales.

AAs a humpback whale in the distance burps the joy of its life into the air in a meter-high fountain, the kayakers start to feel a little uncomfortable. Reliable information about sea giants dislodging paddlers from their mates may be lacking. As a precaution, adventurers steer their kayaks a little closer to shore. This guy here, of all people, is happy to announce bright red things as his toys.

Those staying at Clawhoes Wilderness Resort on Canada’s rugged west coast usually come to see grizzlies. On the other side of Desolation Sound, nearby Toba Inlet is where they hunt returning salmon in the fall. But sometimes larger marine life such as humpback whales, orcas and dolphins provide equally interesting encounters for lodge holidaymakers in front of the majestic fjord backdrop of coastal mountains.

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