May 15, 2024

Because they don’t know what they’re talking about

Do they really want what they are asking for? Demonstrators in the Serbian capital, Belgrade (November 12).Image: Cornerstone


A survey of American universities shows that many protesters against the Jewish state have no idea what they are demanding. Most of them can be accessed through education.

Hansjörg Friedrich Müller/Media

“From the river to the sea” is the slogan that protesters around the world have been chanting for weeks. This refers to the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and what is required is a Palestinian state between the two bodies of water, meaning the end of Israel.

Do those who talk this way realize what the slogan means? Ron E. conducted Hasner, a political science professor in Berkeley, California, conducted a survey among American students, and he presented its results this week in the Wall Street Journal.

Accordingly, only 47% of the slogan’s supporters knew which river and sea actually meant. Some thought of the Nile and the Atlantic Ocean, others of the Euphrates and the Caribbean.

80 percent stay away from the slogan

It’s hard to imagine anything more stupid than chanting a slogan that you have only a vague idea of ​​what it means. However, the ignorance of those surveyed shows that the situation on campuses is not hopeless: 80 percent of those who found out with the help of the map that their demand amounts to the annihilation of Israel retreated from this slogan.

Among those who knew they were demanding the end of the Jewish state, 60% changed their minds after being told that this would likely lead not to peaceful coexistence in a binational state, but to the subjugation, killing or expulsion of seven million Jews. .

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Hasner’s study shows the difficult conditions in American education. But the complete absence of sympathy for the Jews, which was expected from some demonstrators, does not confirm this. So, all is not lost: what schools and universities have failed to do, they should be able to fix. (

The Israeli-Palestinian escalation, May 2021, in pictures


The Israeli-Palestinian escalation, May 2021, in pictures

Conflict in the Middle East has erupted in Israel and the Palestinian territories once again. This time the reason was a legal dispute over a residential area. After violent protests, the situation escalated, Hamas began firing rockets, and the Israeli Air Force responded with air strikes. The result of the latter can be seen here in the photo taken in Gaza City on May 11.

Source: Keystone/Mohamed Saber

The vlogger from Gaza provides daily updates – her videos are watched by millions of people

Video: Instagram

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