May 7, 2024

Canada - Vancouver's strollers are no longer safe from aggressive wolves

Canada – Vancouver’s strollers are no longer safe from aggressive wolves


Walkers in Vancouver are no longer safe from aggressive wolves

There have been 15 attacks in the past three months. Those who feed animals should expect high fines.

Suddenly Aggressive: A coyote in Vancouver City Park has attacked 15 people in the past three months.


A trip to Stanley Park in Vancouver can be dangerous these days. Within three months, a coyote attacked fifteen joggers and walkers in the city park. In two cases, the animals attacked the cyclists. Several trails in the park are temporarily closed.

According to estimates by the park administration, about 12 wolves live on 400 hectares. At the beginning of the year, coyotes had to be killed due to the multiple aggressive behavior towards humans.

Memories of the death of the 19-year-old singer come to life

Canadian singer Taylor Mitchell was bitten to death by coyote wolves in a national park in 2009.

Canadian singer Taylor Mitchell was bitten to death by coyote wolves in a national park in 2009.


The series of attacks brings back painful memories in Canada of the downfall of pop singer Taylor Mitchell. In the fall of 2009, the 19-year-old was attacked and killed by two coyote wolves in Cape Breton National Park.

In order not to further ban the animals, the park administration is now enforcing a strict ban on feeding. Anyone who breaks this rule can expect fines of up to 50,000 Canadian dollars (about 37,000 Swiss francs).

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