May 7, 2024

Make your own pudding - an addictive recipe

Make your own pudding – an addictive recipe

Pudding brings comfort, brings joy, and always fits. With just a few ingredients, you can make your own delicious dessert in no time.

There is a large selection of sweets on refrigerated shelves in the supermarket. But looking at the label quickly reveals what’s inside and the pudding from the bag doesn’t seem to be an alternative in that regard either. With our quick and easy recipe, you can conjure up a popular dessert in no time and know exactly what they contain.

Cooking vanilla pudding yourself: basic recipe

To get a good pudding, you usually only need milk, starch, and a pinch of sugar and spices. You can use this to cook a healthy and delicious dessert yourself in no time at all.

For the basic vanilla pudding recipe, you’ll need the following Ingredients:

  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 500ml full cream milk or alternatively 300ml milk and 200ml cream
  • 2-3 egg yolks (depending on the size of the eggs)
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 35 grams of cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (to taste)

The Preparation Vanell Puddings

Cut that in half Vanilla seeds Lengthwise with a sharp knife and scrape the dark pulp.

  1. Then measure milk Into a measuring cup.
  2. Bring milk, vanilla pulp and pulp to a boil.
  3. The capsule should definitely be cooked because it has a lot of flavor.
  4. Meanwhile, stir the egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of milk and 35 grams of cornstarch until the mixture is smooth. Work well so that unwanted starch nodules and egg yolk flakes do not form.
  5. Remove the vanilla pod from the boiling milk and stir with the starch mixture. Vanilla pudding should boil briefly again.
  6. Then warm pudding Pour into a pudding mold or bowl, rinse with cold water and cool for a few hours.
  7. Is that Candy Once cooled, turn it over on a plate and decorate it.
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How to prevent skin on candy

To prevent skin build-up, you can sprinkle hot pudding with sugar. Another trick is to put some melted butter on top of the hot pudding.

You can also prevent puddling by applying plastic wrap directly to the surface. You can also place the hot dessert in a bowl and immediately seal it tightly using a large plate or lid.

Alternatively, you can stir the pudding until it cools. The advantage of this method: you can take it sooner.

When it cools, the liquid evaporates from the surface of the candy. As a result, the top of the dessert dries up a little. Pudding skin is formed firmer. The advantage: due to this dry layer, only the top layer dries up and not the whole dessert. It’s also a kind of protection, so to speak. Turn or remove the skin, once formed, the phenomenon begins again. More and more of the pudding dries up.

Tips for more flavor

The basic recipe for this creamy pudding can be modified in a number of ways. Mix the melted pudding under the hot pudding chocolate Or toasted walnut chunks. Dessert gets a strange smell if you also cook some cardamom seeds. Cinnamon also purifies the pudding.

If you like it more exotic, you can use very dark chocolate and some chili powder. Caramel with a specific salty note is also very tasty. Your imagination has no limits.

What’s there?

You can choose between berries or (warm) fruit sauces for this creamy pudding. The “do it yourself” motto can also be: cook fresh or frozen fruit With a little juice and sugar, thicken the sauce with starch.

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The dessert will be a real surprise if you fill in small cups with candy and use the cake spout to sprinkle some melted chocolate into the center of the pudding.

If you’d prefer it to be more crunchy, you can sprinkle bits of nuts or cocoa chips over the dessert.

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