June 16, 2024

“Climate, People, Change” – Science as an interesting podcast


“Climate, People, Change” – Science as an interesting podcast

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Science can be very exciting: in collaboration with the Helmholtz-Heron Center, FUNKE explains what climate change means for us.

Berlin. Man-made climate change is the major issue of our time. What will happen to the people of Norderney or Seychelles if sea levels continue to rise? Is the entire island paradise doomed? What do leaders say? world? What solutions do they offer us?

In the Climate, People and Change podcast, different scientists talk to the podcast hosts in each episode Jan Scharpenberg and Christoph Wörle On pressing questions from a climate research perspective. The first season consists of six episodes, each released every two weeks. FUNKE has managed to win the Helmholz position here as a cooperation partner. “Together with Hereon we have developed a concept to show scientific explanations and solutions among the many political and social opinions on this topic,” says Oliver El-Nimer, responsible audio project manager at FUNKE.

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