April 28, 2024

Pilsting Power Outage Currently on June 28, 2022: Current Disruptions in the Power Grid!

The current blackout in Schwandorf on 06/30/2022: these flaws exist

On Thursday night, a power outage occurred in Schwandorf in the 92421 zip code area. Other parts of the area are currently affected by disruptions to the power grid. You can find out all the reports about the power outage in Schwandorf today and where to find help here at news.de

Power outage and maintenance in Schwandorf at present

On average, the German power grid availability is very high, and this is also the case in Schwandorf in Bavaria. However, interruptions in the power supply can occur from time to time. According to the Störsauskunft.de portal, there are currently several reports for the city of Schwandorf regarding power outages. Accordingly, interference suppressions are known in the power network at 16 sites. A maintenance message is also logged. The responsibility lies with the operator of the regional energy network Bayernwerk Netz GmbH. In the following overview you will find all the information about crash reports in the region.

The following disruptions are currently available on June 30, 2022 in Schwandorf

Site turmoil since then predicted proven
Hohe Strasse, Stegen, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Am Mühlgraben, Stegen, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Lieburn Alley, Etmannsdorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Tonwerkstrasse, Schwandorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Peony Street, Klardorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Büchelkuhn, Schwandorf, and Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Mandelgasse, Stegen, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Rudolf Danhardtstrasse, Klardorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Main Street, Klardorf Fire Station, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Loisnitzer Weg, Klardorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Am Mullgraben, St. Florian Kindergarten, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
A 93, Loisnitz, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Telstrasse, Daschlehofen, Schwandorf 06/29/2022, 2:19 pm There is no information
Farnstrasse, Schwandorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Tonwerkstrasse, Schwandorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
Klardorf Katzdorf, Wehrdorf, Schwandorf 06/30/2022, 02:25 AM There is no information
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(Status: 06/30/2022, 09:23 a.m.)

This maintenance is currently being carried out on June 30, 2022 in Schwandorf

As of today, 8:00 am in the area Glätzlstraße: Vocational School Center Oskar von Miller, FOS, BOS in Rothlindenviertel, Schwandorf (Postal Code 92421, Schwandorf District) Routine maintenance was carried out on behalf of Bayernwerk Netz GmbH. There may be an overlap in a radius of about one kilometer. According to the company, the work will be completed by 12:00 noon. A direct report from the network operator is not available.

(Status: 06/30/2022, 09:23 a.m.)

Schwandorf power outage reporting: where you can report a fault if you are affected

You must have one power outage If affected, keep calm and check if the fuse in the fuse box has blown due to overload, for example. Do not report a power outage to the police or rescue co-ordination centers of the fire brigade immediately, as most of the time it is not an emergency. So the correct address is your power supply.

You can find the Baernerwerk Netz bug-clearing hotline here.

Have you also noticed a disturbance in your home?

If you find problems with your power supply, this can have several reasons. However, there are some actions that you can take to fix the problem on your own. Often it is not a major defect at all, in most cases the circuit fuse has been blown for protection reasons only. So, first check your fuse box to see if the fuse has blown there. If this is the case, disconnect all consumers that may be causing this from the mains and then turn the fuse back on. If the problem is not resolved, then there is a high probability of damage to the power line in the circuit. At this point, you should consult a specialist. If the power outage extends far beyond your home, the power grid may already be down. Power outages alone are not an emergency! Do not call the police or fire emergency numbers directly. Instead, contact your power provider.

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In comparison: regional differences in disruptions to the power grid

Outages in the power grid occur from time to time, even if they are mostly regional and only temporary. In Germany, a lot is done to ensure there are no blackouts, so statistically German households have to be without electricity for an average of less than 20 minutes per year. In the UK, it takes more than an hour per year, and in some European countries like Poland or Italy, it takes more than 3 hours.

A comparison of federal states by the Federal Network Agency shows that key blackout numbers range from 9 to 19 minutes. Rhineland-Palatinate (about 19 minutes per year) and Brandenburg (about 17 minutes) top the list, followed by Saxony-Anhalt (16 minutes). On the other hand, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, Bavaria, Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein suffer the least blackouts (about 9 minutes each).

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+++ Editorial note: This text has been created on the basis of current data with the help of artificial intelligence. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

ROJ / news.de