July 27, 2024

Moderators don't recognize Liz Truss

Moderators don't recognize Liz Truss

Liz Truss has been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since September 6th.Photo: WireImago/Zuma

the Royal family

Sven Froehlich

Great Britain bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II for a full day on Monday. It was not only members of the royal family who paid their last respects to the Queen, but also numerous heads of state and politicians. A total of about 2,000 people are participating in the funeral.

Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle on September 8 at the age of 96. Dignitaries traveled from all over the world to attend the meticulously organized state funeral. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen came from Germany.

Lie on Australian TV

Participants included well-known and lesser-known figures. However, Australia's Channel Nine faced an embarrassing moment when the guests arrived. When new British Prime Minister Liz Truss got out of her car, supervisors didn't seem to know who she was.

.  09/19/2022.  London, United Kingdom.  The official funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Westminster Abbey in London.  PublicationxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY xStephenxLockx/xi-Imagesx IIM-2378 ...

Queen Elizabeth is buried at Windsor Castle.Image: imago/i images

As the procession arrived around Liz Truss, Channel Nine presenter Tracey Grimshaw and her colleague Peter Overton delivered the Prime Minister's speech. For a lesser-known member of the royal family.

After social media users drew attention to the mistake, the two quickly clarified that the person was Truss.

Also BBC with embarrassment

Oddly enough, a very similar situation happened to the BBC. When Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese entered Westminster Hall, the British broadcasters fell silentWhich, in turn, did not go unnoticed by the Twitter audience.

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As the camera focused on the Prime Minister, there was silence for a few seconds until the BBC cut its live link to King Charles' arrival. Albanese's arrival went without comment. Reactions to British broadcasters' inability to identify the Australian head of state were mixed.

While some people make fun of him, others are upset. One user commented angrily:

“I can't say that without sounding insulting, I'm sorry, but that's because no one in Britain – ordinary people, the press and probably the royal family as well – really cares who the Australian Prime Minister is.”

Contrary to press coverage, the Queen's funeral passed without incident.