May 6, 2024

The Trump campaign lawsuit over the Pennsylvania vote is heading to court

The hearing on the Trump campaign’s federal lawsuit seeking to stop Pennsylvania officials from certifying the vote results is still on its way to Tuesday after a judge quickly rejected a new campaign attorney’s request for a delay.

Central US District Judge Matthew Bran told Donald J. Trump’s attorney for President Inc, the counties, and the state election official that they must attend and “prepare for debate and interrogation” in Williamsport federal court.

The Trump campaign wants to block ratification of results that give President-elect Joe Biden 20 electoral votes for the state, and sue over election procedures that were not uniform across the state.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Cathy Bockfar asked for the lawsuit to be dropped. She described her claims in the court filings as “at best, miscellaneous gardening offenses.”

Bran scheduled the hearing to discuss the campaign’s request for a temporary restraining order as well as the defendants ’request that the case be dismissed.

After a Pittsburgh attorney withdrew from representing the Trump campaign on Friday, Philadelphia election attorneys Linda Kerns and two Texas attorneys pulled out on Monday.

Camp Hill attorney Mark Scarringe, a losing candidate in the 2012 Senate Republican primary, notified the judge that he was interfering, but he did not get the delay he requested.

The Associated Press declared Biden winning in the presidential contest, but Trump refused to compromise and obstructed Biden’s efforts toward a smoother transition to power. With Georgia the only gratuitous state, Biden collected no fewer than 290 electoral votes – just enough so that overturning the Pennsylvania result does not open the way to a second term for Trump.

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Biden’s margin in the state is now nearly 70,000 votes.

Trump’s legal challenge focuses on how some provinces allow voters to fix or “handle” mail ballots that lack secret envelopes or have other problems. The lawsuit filed by the president’s campaign alleges that inconsistent boycott practices violate constitutional rights of due process and equal protection under the law and have led to “unlawful attenuation or degradation” of the votes cast correctly.

The lawsuit alleges that “heavy democratic boycotts” notified voters that there were no secret envelopes or other problems in time for some to be able to fix them, but the boycotts in republican regions “followed the law and did not provide notice and a remedial process, which resulted in many being deprived.”

The lawsuit seeks to prevent Boockvar and election boards in seven major Biden counties of the other defendants from counting absentee votes and e-mails that the Republican campaign claims were “improperly processed.”

Bukfar’s lawyers described Trump’s allegations as public grievances and speculative injuries that did not warrant excluding the election results.

They told Bran that the other counties could have allowed voters to mail-order fix ballots, but they chose not to do so.

“Electoral practices do not need to meet the common denominator, and prosecutors’ arguments will penalize boycotts that grant voters the right to vote by helping them avoid disqualification,” they wrote.

There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 elections. In fact, election officials from both political parties stated publicly that the elections went well and international observers confirmed that there were no serious irregularities.

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The issues raised by the Trump campaign and his allies are typical of every election: problems with signatures, confidentiality envelopes and postal marks on mail ballots, as well as the possibility of a mistake or loss of a small number of ballots. With Biden leading Trump by wide margins in major battlefield states, none of these issues will have any bearing on the election outcome.

The Trump campaign also launched legal challenges that complain that poll monitors were unable to scrutinize the voting process. Many of these challenges were dismissed by the judges, some within hours of their submission; Once again, none of the complaints showed any evidence that the election outcome was affected.

In a lawsuit last week, a group represented by the Pennsylvania Civil Liberties Union argued that giving the Trump campaign what it was seeking would create its own constitutional problems.

“Not only does this mean that Pennsylvania does not participate in the Electoral College, but that Pennsylvania will not send any representatives to the US House of Representatives in January, and as of December 1, the Commonwealth will only have 25 senators and there will be no state representatives.” . Bran.