May 19, 2024

This productivity hack is supposed to make me more efficient — but it ended up being exhausting

Monk Mode is all about blocking out the noise of the world and just focusing on the work.
Alexei Morozov/Getty Images

Samson Baxter, a web developer, has tried “Monk Mode” to get more done at work.

At first he hated it, especially the lack of social media, but then his productivity skyrocketed.

Eventually, he felt overwhelmed again and very isolated from social interactions.

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This article is based on a conversation with Samson Baxter, a 22-year-old British web developer and owner of Technical Platform. forsunavi. Revised for length and clarity.

As a web developer, I’m often stuck in the middle of an insane workload and can barely keep my head above water.

I’m lucky to be in a management position, but it means I’m working harder than ever, constantly answering emails, taking calls, and crafting projects that aren’t going in the direction I’d hoped.

I was exhausted and felt like I couldn’t accomplish anything more than I could Monk Mode Productivity Hack experienced. The hack is as Zen as it sounds – it’s all about putting a monk’s dedication and discipline to work.

I was intrigued and decided to give it a try.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say it’s incredibly hard to pull off

since then monk mode When it comes to blocking out the noise of the world and just focusing on work, I said goodbye to social media, limited contact with friends and family, and created a workplace where interruptions are strictly forbidden. The goal was simple: get rid of everything unnecessary and focus on work one hundred percent.

After five weeks in Monk Mode, Samson Baxter was feeling exhausted again - this time for a different reason.

After five weeks in Monk Mode, Samson Baxter was feeling exhausted again – this time for a different reason.
Samson Baxter

It was bad at first – I felt like I hit a wall right away. I realized how much of my day was being taken up by distractions like social media, and getting through the day without casually looking at what was going on on Instagram became quite a challenge.

I strongly advise anyone who wants to experience this not to check social media, even if just for a quick look, because it’s a slippery slope that will completely destroy your focus.

After about a week, I really got it

I reaped the rewards of not being distracted all day long. In the second week, I was able to work productively for six hours straight.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take breaks or pauses, because it’s important that you do to avoid total burnout – but if you’re in a good mood, stay at it.

By the third week, I was really starting to see what all the fuss was about: I was getting more work done than ever before.

But then I hit another wall

My productivity increased a bit at first, but when you get cut off from everyone, it’s very tiring. Too intense to be precise.

I missed being with others and without it I felt emotionally exhausted.

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About five weeks later, I was completely exhausted again—and had a déjà vu reminding me of why I switched to monk mode in the first place.

I didn’t have time during the day to do the things I wanted to do. If I ever stopped working, I felt guilty. I began to feel isolated—but at the same time, I felt that my isolation was self-inflicted, as if my feelings were completely void.

Something had to be changed

In the end, I decided that while Monk Mode boosted my focus at first, it wasn’t for me in the long run.

I learned that I need a little bit of everything in my life—work, socialize, and relax—and that a balanced approach works best for me. After all, everyone is different, and your productivity strategy should fit you like a glove.

Read the original article in English here.

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