May 18, 2024

Movie and series listings are no longer available on iTunes

With iOS 17.2, iPadOS 17.2, and tvOS 17.2, Apple has removed the option to purchase series and movies from iTunes Store apps and is instead redirecting customers to the Apple TV app. Unfortunately, when Apple integrated purchases and content viewing into the Apple TV app, it also removed Wish Lists — much to the chagrin of people who used the feature.

On many platforms, including RedditTwitter and in Apple support forum Users are complaining about the change that they were not informed about in advance. Also in the Apple Blog forums MacRumors Reports are increasing. In the Apple Support Forum, you can read the following, among others:

“Just updated to tvOS 17.2 on both 4K Apple TVs, and the new ATV app is beautiful and everything, definitely faster than the old Movies & Shows app […]. But what I don’t like is that my wishlist (from the Movies app) and Favorites (from the TV Series app) have completely disappeared. I had like 200 movies on my wish list, and now, nothing, they’re just gone. […] It would be great if these features were integrated into the new ATV app and synced with the rest of the Apple ecosystem. […] I will never be able to manually recreate these two lists :(“

One Reddit user complains:

“I checked on iOS and my wish list was completely gone. I built it about 10 years ago and it had just over 400 movies on it. I hope Apple thinks this through better before surprising us with such a drastic change.”

In the iTunes Store app on iPhone and iPad, as well as in the separate iTunes TV Shows and iTunes Movies apps on Apple TV, there were options to add shows and movies to a private wishlist while browsing, which many people have become accustomed to. Do this and save content for later and watch out for shows .

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iTunes apps are already disabled in iOS/iPadOS/tvOS 17.2 betas

iTunes redirects to the Apple TV app on iPhone

Watchlists haven’t been moved to the Apple TV app with recent updates, so some people who have compiled long watchlists won’t be able to access or copy those lists to a new location. Some users can open the iTunes Store app on iOS devices and tap the button in the upper right corner to see their wish lists — although this process doesn’t seem to work for everyone. It appears that whoever compiled the menus on the Apple TV has no way to access them.

With tvOS 17.2, iOS 17.2, and iPadOS 17.2, there’s a “+” button that can be used to save content for later, but that just adds it to the “Up Next” feature, which can be a little more cluttered than a single traditional wishlist.

With tvOS 17.2, Apple disabled the separate iTunes Movies and iTunes TV Shows apps during beta testing. The option to purchase shows and movies through the iTunes Store app on iPhone and iPad was removed through a server-side update around the time of iOS 17.2 and iPadOS 17.2 release. It’s not yet clear whether Apple will reintroduce Wish Lists in some form in light of angry customers – such a move currently seems unlikely. There were similar complaints when Apple removed App Store wishlists with iOS 11, but that feature has not been reintroduced either.