May 6, 2024

Move Strong: Seb Bowen’s Path to Silence

With Move Hard (9b), the easier version of Adam Ondra’s Silence, the best French climber has taken another step towards the world’s first 9c route this summer. No one could guess how long it would take him to break Ondra’s masterpiece. His rise to Move Hard is now available as a video.

Hanscheleren Cave in Flatanger, Norway is famous for its many challenging routes. Some of these can be traced back to Czech climber Adam Ondra. This also applies to moving forcefully (9b), which links the beginning of movement (9b/+) to the second axis of silence (9c). On July 24, Seb Bowen made only his third ascent of this massive line.

Video: Seb Bowen climbs the move strongly (9b) | The path to silence

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Credits: Cover image by Thibaut Marot

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