May 19, 2024

A handheld with a 7-inch screen and 200 retro games for $149

Atari and MyArcade have teamed up once again to create a classic handheld console. the Atari portable gaming station It should be able to display a total of over 200 retro games on the 7-inch LC screen and offer playback options for classics like Atari Track Ball. Classic games from all Atari generations of computers and home consoles will serve as a “recap”.

Source: My Arcade

More than 200 must be original classics and are particularly comfortable to use thanks to the track ball and paddle controller. The operating concept is complemented by a classic D-pad and ABXZ buttons.

Atari portable gaming station

Source: My Arcade

Even if nothing is known about the hardware used except for the 7-inch screen, it is expected that the Atari portable gaming station will be more compact Atari Pocket Player Pro Based on 2.75 inch screen.

Atari portable gaming station

Source: GenXGrownUp

Atari portable gaming station

Source: GenXGrownUp

Classic games Asteroids, Centipede, PONG, Breakout, Missile Command, Warlords and many other games from over 50 years of Atari should be pre-installed. As GenXGrownUp, who actually had the old handheld device in his hands, explains, external controllers as well as controllers and gamepads can also be connected via two USB-C devices. The game collection should also be expandable depending on your ROM.

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Fixed retro console and slot machine

In addition to the Atari Game Station Portable, MyArcade and Atari introduced other innovations at CES 2024, which was held from January 9-12 in Las Vegas. The retro stationary arcade console Atari Game Station Remix with wireless controllers was also introduced, as was the Atari Mega Player and Super Player, two classic arcade consoles in two completely different sizes.

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