May 8, 2024

Cold snap - after Easter comes the snow - Meteo

Cold snap – after Easter comes the snow – Meteo


It gets colder during Easter and a little cooler on the nights. In the new week, snow seems to fall into the plains and severe frosts.

The basics are in brief

  • On Holy Saturday night, ground frost is in many places, on Easter Sunday night in places where there is air frost
  • From Monday night, snow falls to low ground, and maximum values ​​are around 5 degrees
  • Additional cold nights are possible during Easter week

Professional gardeners note. After warm days, there is a risk of ground frost and even air frost on Easter (measure 2 meters above the ground).


There is indeed a risk of frost on the ground on the night of Holy Saturday.


Frost damage is possible

A cold front arrives on Monday evening, which leads to noticeably cooler air. The snow line descends to the plains. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the maximums range from only 3 to 6 degrees. Severe frosts should be expected at night. If it wipes off temporarily in one night, which is totally possible, the temperatures might drop to around -5 degrees. And frost damage is very likely.

Frost protection

How rare is that?

Winter starts in April every now and then. Just two years ago, a similar weather condition brought snow to the lowlands.

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