May 4, 2024


US Presidential Duo – Kamala Harris is still looking for their role

Joe Biden and Vice President present themselves in public as an almost equal, inseparable team. What this means in everyday political life is not entirely clear.

The White House always talks about the “Biden Harris government”: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a virtual meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Photo: Keystone

Every evening, the White House sends an overview of the appointments made by President Joe Biden the following day. Shortly thereafter, he sends another overview of Vice President Kamala Harris’ appointments. In most cases, however, the president’s office can save that second email: Harris is present at nearly all appearances, meetings, and conversations that Biden has. Professionally, the president and vice president are practically inseparable.

It is no coincidence that the White House is so clear. From what she hears about the relationship between the two, Biden Harris promised to involve her closely in all decisions. Biden knows from his time as Vice President Barack Obama how willing journalists in Washington were to speculate on whether the vice president has anything to write about in government.

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