May 14, 2024

Canada Merkez Bankası Nisan 2024’e kadar başka faiz üzütımı öngörmüyor Yazar

Yayın Tarihi November 6, 2023 8:58 pm

Merkez Bankası of Canada (BoC), according to a survey done by the bank, the indicator interest rate is expected to remain at 5.0% level until Nisan 2024, the current dömıpıngüdemarken ını öngörüy or. In Noctada, 25 baz puanlık bir faiz indirimi ve politika faizinin is predicted to fall to 4,0’e düşeçegi by the end of 2024.

The forecast comes after the bank raised its policy rate by 4.75 percentage points in March 2022. Despite these increases, the BoC has warned of potential increases in interest rates in its last two decisions, including the one on 25 October. The next decision is planned to be taken on 6 Aralık’ta.

Banga paskani dif maglem, 1 kasim’ta senato pangasilik komitesi’ne mevkat sikilashtirma dongusunde taha fazla fais artirimina kitilmesinin olas. Bu bilgi, da desteklendi by the third çeyrek piyasa anketine katilan kıdemli economist and strategistler.

BoC, you can use it to act decisively for politics. However, Yıllık inflationun %3,8 in Eylül month and 3. çeyrek GSYH data is a potential economic recession or a decline in çışat etume’ikoinuy’nemisi, which can be a significant risk. Anket, bu daha sıkı para politikası shows that there is a 48% probability of recession in the next six months. More information on these negotiations will be provided on 6 Aralık’ta açıklanak faiz kararıla.

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