May 5, 2024

After the next 6 new additions, Twitch will be rocking

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From: Just the ratemaker

TrainwrecksTV has teased the key additions of the gig. The platform’s partner believes that new streamers will deal a severe blow to Twitch.

VANCOUVER, Canada – American streamer TrainwrecksTV is one of the first big names to switch to Twitch rival Kik. Now he feels many stars will soon follow his example. On Twitter, Tyler “Trainwreck” Nignum announced that Gig has signed six newcomers in an attempt to collectively shock Twitch. Fans are already speculating about who the six new streamers might be.

Capitalist name Tyler Faras Nicknam
Known as Train Accidents TV
Birthday December 20, 1990
birth place Austin, Texas
Followers on Twitch 2.1 million (up to March 2023)
Followers on Kik 106,049 (up to March 2023)

Kick: Trainwreck talks about major newcomers to the Twitch competitor

Here’s what Trainwreck says: In a March 26, 2023 tweet, Trainreg wrote of six new “signings” for the gig. This means six rookies will be transitioning from Twitch to the new competitive platform in the near future. Additionally, he says “Twitch and all his toys were shocked“So.

A number of streamers from Germany have also switched to Gig over the past few months – according to Trainwreck, some big names from the scene are set to follow suit. Ever since the tweet was posted, fans have been speculating about which six streamers might go on the gig.

These six streamers are doubting fans: A particularly hotly debated comment on a Trainrex post believes that some of Twitch’s biggest names may actually be on the agenda. Twitter user DOLFF DOLFF believes the new transfers will include Kai Senat, Bruce Dropimoff, Ashmongold, Sodababin and Hasanabi.

Gig: It’s impossible to replace the biggest Twitch streamer

Can Streamers Really Change? Various voices from the community feel that it is unlikely that these Twitch celebrities will leave. Not many people expected the transition from Hasanabi, who didn’t speak properly in Trainwreck, to Kik. The community doesn’t believe that a stalwart like Asmongold, despite its troubled history with Twitch, will return to its longtime parent site.

Who founded Kik?

As of December 2022, it was still widely assumed that Trainwreckstv had a hand in Gig’s founding. A lengthy tweet speculated that Trainwreck had to clean up the rumors themselves. It is now known that Kik is owned by EasyGo Entertainment, whose founders were involved in establishing

With Kai Cenat and BruceDropEmOff, the chances of a change are slim, but certainly there. Sodapopin has already considered a change if the contract changes to his liking. Whether there’s actually anything to Trainwreck’s claims remains to be seen when Gig itself reveals the platform’s new streamers.

Gig Wants to Threaten Twitch – Partner Talks 6 Shocking Newcomers © Gig: Trainwreckstv / Twitch (Montage)

German streamers are also switching to Kik: In the German streaming scene, some have already changed their platform. Most recently, two controversial streamers, Scarros and OrangeOrange, switched from Twitch to Gig. The former recently said that other streamers would follow, but so far nothing has come out other than a few rumours.

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