April 27, 2024

Gars - Concert: Guests from Luxembourg

Gars – Concert: Guests from Luxembourg

The free appearance of Luxembourg’s Moselle Valley Brass Band, which has been on stage for over 50 years, recently provided great musical entertainment at the Garser Viktualienmarkt by putting together a brass band with folk pieces, contemporary perennial trees, international and special Luxembourgish tunes.

Since its founding in 1967, the band, which currently consists of 20 musicians, has recorded more than 1,500 national and international concerts. The highlights of their US concert tours have been in Minneapolis, Chicago, Ohio, New York or Florida, and most recently featured at the Bad Schlema Brass Music Festival in Saxony, Germany, in 2018, where the band delighted an audience of 4,000. .

The band’s tour this year stopped at Gars at the initiative of Garcín Edith Rubink, who had been friends with Christian Harps, the band’s guitarist, for many years.

Thanks to the organizational support of Melanie Moser, head of the Gars town band, and local councilor Susanna Klima, the party went off without a hitch. Next, Deputy Mayor Paula Oates served the band lunch at the castle.

Mayor Martin Falk, actresses Anne Bennett, Raymond and Julius Kinnast Sen. In addition to municipal councilors Robert Schneider, Gerald Steindl and Christine Jaglich, some members of “Garser Pechbläser” such as Siegfried Marchsteiner, Walter Mück, Andreas Hadl and Gerhard “Duke” Ziegerhofer.