April 28, 2024

International comparison Luxembourg ranks third in digital public services

International comparison Luxembourg ranks third in digital public services

More and more services are being operated digitally in Luxembourg. The efforts are beginning to bear fruit: the e-government standard ranked digital public services provided by the Grand Duchy in third place.

The Grand Duchy reached the podium in terms of digital public services. According to the European Commission’s e-Government Standard Ranking, Luxembourg ranked third in 2022, up two places compared to the previous year and eight places compared to 2020. This came from a press release issued by the Ministry of Digitalization on Monday.

Deputy Minister for Digital Mark Hansen (DP) expressed his deep satisfaction: “I am pleased with this international recognition of Luxembourg’s efforts in the field of e-government.”

The e-government benchmark compares public services in 35 countries, including EU member states, candidate countries, EFTA countries and the UK, and assesses their level of maturity. The Grand Duchy achieved a rating of 87 percent overall.

Four classification categories

The Ministry of Digitization refers to four categories assessed: user orientation, transparency, key factors, and “cross-border services.” The first category examines whether processes and procedures are available online, how easy they are to use and whether they are easy to refer to and access via a mobile phone or tablet. In terms of user orientation, Luxembourg fared very well with a rating of 95 percent. In Europe, nearly six percent of the services analyzed for the study are provided online (without ordering) – however, in Luxembourg, the figure is 16 percent.

The “transparency” category looks at “the extent to which public bodies provide clear information about the services provided and the way in which citizens’ personal data is handled.” Here Luxembourg gets 88 percent and achieves the highest value in the “Service Design” area.

In the “Key Factors” category, the basic technical and organizational requirements for the delivery of digital services are closely examined. This means electronic identification (eID) and original sources. Luxembourg achieved a value of 76 percent, falling three places in the European ranking. Despite ranking lower in the European comparison, the Grand Duchy was able to improve its values ​​in the two eID subcategories and the original sources.

According to the European Commission, Luxembourg is a leader in the fourth and final category. The cross-border services area examines the extent to which users from other European countries can access the online services of the country under study. Here the Grand Duchy achieved a rating of 90 percent.

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