May 6, 2024

Papst Franziskus bei der Generalaudienz am 5. Mai 2022

The Pope had a small broken bone in his right knee –

Pope Francis’ knee appears to be on the mend. “I am slowly recovering, technically, thanks to all the work of laser, technotherapy and magnetic therapy, the calcification has already been removed,” Francis said.

A ligament became inflamed, causing him to adopt an awkward posture, leading to a minor fracture. Now he has to move. “Because if you don’t move you risk losing muscle. It gets better, it gets better,” Francis told Reuters.

Recovery time until travel to Canada

The visit to Congo and the Democratic Republic of South Sudan, originally scheduled for July 2-7, has been ruled out due to serious knee problems. The doctor said he was unable to travel.

“I was very sad not to be able to make this trip,” Francis said. But the health risk was too high. In view of the upcoming trip to Canada at the end of July (July 24 to 30), things are different. He has 20 more days to recover. (cic)

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