April 29, 2024

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf: New Part Name Known + First Story Details

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf: New Part Name Known + First Story Details

In the past 24 hours, there were already rumors on the Internet that there might be timely news about the new Dragon Age. It’s confirmed: the new RPG now has an official name.

It has long been confirmed that there is new work for Dragon Age, but details about the title have so far been scarce. In general, the Internet was simply talking about Dragon Age 4, but today EA and BioWare are in the works when it comes to the official naming.

Accordingly, the latest offspring of the RPG series has been named Dragon Age: Dred Wolf Wears; An official logo to match has also been published, which you can also view as part of this report. While the version will not be released in the current year 2022, there should be more information about the game at least in the coming months.

Today’s announcement of the latest adventure in the lands of Thedas is embellished with some first story details. The focus of the new story will be you as the player first and foremost, but behind the subtitle “Dreadwolf” hides Solas, the dire wolf, who is also the game’s great antagonist.

Some say he may be an ancient genie deity, others argue that. Some refer to him as a traitor to his people – or a savior now seeking to save his people at the expense of the player’s world. His motives are murky and his methods at times questionable, which has earned him a reputation as an elusive deity who plays games as sinister as they are dangerous.

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Dragon Age 4 – Game Awards 2020 movie trailer

There was a big new trailer for Dragon Age 4 at the 2020 Game Awards.