May 4, 2024


The universe has been simulated more accurately than ever before – from the big bang to today

“Space, Infinite Expansions” is the German opening credits title for the cult series “The Spaceship Foundation”. And indeed, dimensions being It can hardly be described in words or even concretely depicted. But that doesn’t stop the research from at least trying – and achieving one success or the other. Now a group of researchers has reached a milestone.

The entire universe is simulated

The international team, made up of participants from Helsinki and the United Kingdom, used several supercomputers. Together, they have created the most accurate simulation of the universe that has ever existed. In doing so, they have to study Also shown is the entire history of space evolution – from the Big Bang to the present day. You can find a small part of it here.

The simulation is entitled “SIBELIUS-DARK” and is part of the “Simulations Beyond the Local Universe” (“SIBELIUS”) project. It covers 600 million light years from Earth and 13.7 billion years of evolution of the universe. 130 billion “particles” are represented in it. Several thousand computers worked simultaneously for weeks to produce the vast amounts of required data. The final simulation itself now represents the Dirac Cosmology Machine (“Cosma”).

Dark matter in focus

The team then closely compared their virtual world to a series of actual observations. In doing so, they discovered that our place in space may be somewhat unusual. The simulation predicted a decrease in the average density of galaxies, due to a local and in turn a significant “density” of matter. This knowledge will not shake the current paradigm in cosmology. However, it could have consequences for the interpretation of observations of new galaxies.

The researchers used relevant physical equations to represent the computer. With their help, they also describe the evolution of dark matter and cosmic gas during the history of the universe. Dark matter is currently only present by default, but is considered essential. They are said to make up a large part of all matter in space.

Algorithms that reproduced our own in space – Earth and other well-known constellations such as Virgo or Perseus were also used. However, the focus of the presentation is on the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Cold dark matter model on test bench

“The simulation shows the results of the laws of physics on dark matter and cosmic gas over the 13.7 billion years of our universe’s existence,” says Professor Carlos Frink from Durham University. In his view, the simulations provide strong support for the “cold dark matter” model in cosmology. Researchers can use this model to explain a lot of astronomical information: from the residual heat of the Big Bang and its properties to the number and spatial distribution of galaxies we observe around us. “We’re on the right track to understanding the evolution of the entire universe,” Frink says.

The research team wants to continue analyzing the simulations and hopes to test the suitability of the “cold dark matter” model. But a big step has already been taken. Dr. said. Stuart McAlpine from the University of Helsinki.

So it will be interesting to see what science will discover, too. Sure enough, other mysterious flying objects in the universe could reappear somewhere.

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Source: “SIBELIUS-DARK: Catalog of Galaxies from the Local Volume of Restricted Perception Simulations” (2022, Royal Astronomical Society)

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