May 3, 2024

New information about the new map for the first season "Exposure"

New information about the new map for the first season “Exposure”

From Rhonda Bachmann
The famous temporyal leaker has once again dealt with the data for Battlefield 2042. He believes he has found some new clues about the upcoming show card. The new map is supposed to come in the context of Battlefield 2042’s first season.

The developers at DICE are spending the Christmas holidays and are unlikely to reveal any information about upcoming Battlefield 2042 content this year. For this, the well-known temporary monk honors us again. It is believed that he has already found some details about the upcoming new map “Exposure” in the data of the recently released shooter game.

‘Exposure’ is supposed to happen in Canada

According to Temporyal, the setting for the new map could be British Columbia in Canada. The area would have been shaken by an earthquake that had devastating effects. Not only is there destruction on the map, but a secret research laboratory has been revealed by the forces of nature. Russia assumes that there are military weapons at the facility and sends its forces.

That was in Battlefield 2042 It has been rumored for a long time that there should be other natural phenomena. For example, Monk Tom Henderson reports that Battlefield 2042’s summer presentation in 2020 included other disasters. There was talk of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and even volcanic eruptions. Because there wasn’t enough time, they were going to be confined to the hurricane.

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Battlefield 2042’s first season is scheduled for early next year. The exact date is not yet known. But here, too, the temporyal wants to know an approximate start date: He wants to find clues in the game’s client that Season 1 could start in March.

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