May 4, 2024

New government in Germany - 'SPD is now ready for tripartite talks' - News

New government in Germany – ‘SPD is now ready for tripartite talks’ – News

  • One week after the federal election, the SPD and the Union entered talks on forming a government on Sunday.
  • The Social Democrats got the FDP first in the afternoon, then the Greens in the Berlin Mitte.
  • In the evening, the trip of the FDP leader Linder & Co. continued to Berlin-Schöneberg, where the CDU and the CDU were waiting.

After the talks, which lasted a little more than two hours, all parties described an objective and constructive atmosphere. “The SPD is now ready for tripartite talks,” said SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil.

Alliance negotiations in October?

On the other hand, the FDP and the Greens held an assessment initially. However, the FDP emphasized that the differences with SPD are greater than those with the Federation. At the same time, Union Chancellor candidate Laschet came under increasing pressure in his own ranks after the electoral defeat. The FDP called on the federation to clarify the matter internally.

You can calculate the probabilities using the coalition calculator

The SPD is counting on rapid progress in talks for a “traffic light government”. Klingbeil said how to move forward needs to be determined quickly. In terms of content, both potential partners were discussed on the topics that move the country. SPD leader Norbert Walter Borgens told “Welt am Sonntag” that formal coalition negotiations could start in October and finish by December.

«In terms of content, a few slopes»

Someone objectively talked about “the great tasks of our time,” Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Barbock said. FDP General Secretary Volker Wiesing expressed himself differently after talks with the SPD. “Of course, it was also clear that our secured positions differed on key points,” he emphasized. However, they are determined to form a reformist government that will move the country forward.

After the first round of talks between the FDP and the union, Wesing said in the evening: “We had a constructive conversation. In terms of content, it had a bit of an inclination.” CDU Secretary General Paul Zimyak said he saw significant similarities in terms of content. Jamaica’s alliance with the Free Democratic Party and the Greens will have many opportunities for the country.


Lars Klingbeil and the Social Democrats want to start coalition negotiations as early as October.


The Greens and the FDP have already met twice in secret meetings in the past few days. The first meeting between the federation and the Greens is scheduled for Tuesday.

In the elections held a week ago, the Social Democratic Party became the strongest force with 25.7 percent. The union fell to 24.1 percent. The Greens gained 14.8 percent, and the FDP also improved to 11.5 percent.