April 29, 2024

Unbestätigtes Erdbeben: New York, 14 km südlich von New York, USA, am Sonntag, 13. Jun 2021 um 05:04 GMT

Unconfirmed earthquake: New York, 14 km south of New York, USA, on Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 5:04 am GMT

Earthquake status: highly uncertain

This record is not from a real earthquake, because there is no officially confirmed earthquake that matches the user reports we have received of the reported event closely enough.
In most cases, this event likely reflects something else that caused the vibration, such as an explosion (typical of mining areas), a sonic boom, traffic, weather, or some other human or natural cause.
Initial report below:

Our AllQuakes monitoring service received reports of an earthquake in or near New York, New York, USA at approximately 05:04 GMT. Unless confirmed by at least one national or international seismological agency, its status remains uncertain.

13. June 05:35 UTC: First message: VolcanoDiscovery after 32 minutes.

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Compare earthquake data from different agencies

Tip: The more different agencies report the same earthquake, the more reliable the data and the more accurate one can derive the average value for the magnitude, depth, etc. It usually takes a few hours for the seismic data to be accurately assessed and for the information to be of reliable accuracy. This often causes the volume and other data to correct up or down over and over again in the first few hours.

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