May 6, 2024


Weekly Poll: Want the F-Zero Series to Return to the Nintendo Switch? – the tower

Today, Sunday, we’d like to welcome you to our survey this week, the format in which we ask a current or general question about Nintendo and the video game world in general every Sunday. As always, we look at the old survey first before we start the new survey.

Last week’s poll

In the past few weeks, we wanted to know from you how you can ideally imagine implementing a voice chat on a Nintendo Switch. Most of you really want to be able to connect your bluetooth headset to your Nintendo Switch. Others will be satisfied with the plug jack of the Nintendo Switch Pro console. You can know all the answers if you have Previous poll Visit.

Week poll

This week at the ntower of an interesting interview mentionedOne of the prominent heads of the F-Zero GX claimed that the F-Zero series is not dead, but there are hardly any ideas how to extend the F-Zero GX far-reaching. The last new game in the F-Zero series dates back to 2004, when even some of our loyal readers weren’t born. We take this as an opportunity to ask if you would like to return the F-Zero series to the Nintendo Switch. Let us know what you think on the survey and in the comments, we are really looking forward to the answers.