April 26, 2024

Pink pixels: The screen operation on the M1 Mac mini is problematic

Pink pixels: The screen operation on the M1 Mac mini is problematic

There are still reports of external display issues on new Macs with Apple M1 chip: New Mac mini buyers may see clear pink pixels appearing in different places on the external screens. At first, the error only occurred on the login screen and can easily be ignored there, users reported. Symptoms also appear later in normal operation, for example in Finder or in apps, and then become annoying in return.

Apple is aware of the problem: “pink or pixelated squares” can appear on screens connected to the new Mac mini, as the manufacturer explains in an internal note to repairers – this is currently still under investigation. According to user reports, the error mainly occurs on displays that are played via HDMI on the Mac mini.

For troubleshooting, Apple recommends putting your Mac mini to sleep, waiting two minutes, waking it up again, disconnecting and reconnecting the screen, and as a final step, changing the resolution in the system settings for monitors. If the error occurs again after restarting, the procedure must be performed again, She says about it Macrumors Published document.

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Regarding external display issues on the new M1 Mac and when using macOS 11 Big Sur, Apple has already made several software updates, including with respect to the ultra-high resolution displays. The current version of macOS 11.2.1 doesn’t fix pink pixels either. Occasionally, beta testers of macOS 11.3 can hear that the error no longer appears. Big Sur’s next major update should appear in March or April at the latest.


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