May 17, 2024

I eat my placenta

Only one doctor on the ward: Adam (Ben Whishaw)
Photo: Ludovic Robert

The English Patient: This Will Hurt series is about how treatment works in a clinically dead clinic. And who pays for that?

sWe have lost count of the calls for Britain’s former pride: the National Health Service, founded in 1948, is the national health system that provides free medical care to everyone living in the UK (as well as EU citizens traveling). Guaranteed for medical practices and hospitals. Recently, the head of Britain’s largest medical association, the British Medical Association, gynecologist Philip Banfield, warned of an imminent “collapse” of the overburdened system. Patients die in hospital corridors.

The situation in the NHS has never been easy. Privatizations and insufficient budget increases worsened the situation in recent years, and then came the pandemic. It has recently been reported that many NHS staff have left their stressful jobs in pursuit of better-paid offers at the supermarket checkout. Other nurses increasingly continue to strike. Thousands of jobs are vacant. One of the key promises of the Leave campaign was that a golden future would shine for the NHS after Brexit. The opposite happened.

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