July 27, 2024

Brawl of the Year – / movie

Brawl of the Year – / movie

As I promised, First trailer for Godzilla vs Kong Hit yesterday Before it was released on March 26. And while there’s a lot to discuss in terms of detector and plot work, the name of the game for this first trailer is simply fun. It remains to be seen if this represents the actual movie, but this first trailer definitely goes out of its way to create a tone. 2014 GodzillaThe trailer is gone with mystery. Godzilla: King of MonstersThe first trailer went for greatness. That’s all about a wrestling match. This is how it should be. This is what we came up with in a movie called Godzilla vs Kong after every thing.

Let’s take a closer look.

We are starting things with a real bang as a blast of rocks rains over an unsuspecting city. It’s not clear which city this is (obsessed with geography, blinkered, feel free to speak out loud in the comments), but it doesn’t seem like it’s in America.

While this may sound like an arbitrary trailer opening, there is something important to be learned here. It is perhaps the biggest reveal of the entire trailer, in fact. If you look closely at the shot of humans fleeing all these explosions, there is a towering figure barely visible above them. It’s not Godzilla and it’s definitely not Kong. This, ladies and gentlemen, is almost certain Mecagodzilla.

Things jump forward now to a group of ships carrying some very important cargo: Kong himself. Is this how his introduction also occurs in the movie? Or will we see his actual captivity? Honestly, jumping straight into Kong who’s already caught isn’t the worst idea in the world, but as we’ll see later in the trailer, it’s not likely to happen here.

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Good to see, the plan isn’t to have Kong fall asleep the entire trip. Although chained, he was allowed to sit and hang around a bit, indicating there was probably no anger upon arrest. That could have something to do with the ship else the goods.

In this movie, Kong has a little girl who needs to be protected. It appears to be coming from Skull Island, which clearly answers the question above regarding whether or not we will see Kong arrested. This little girl has an affair with both Kong and human ally Ellen Andrews (Rebecca Hall), all of whom can be assumed to be the hero / villain Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgard), who needs Kong to protect humanity from “what’s going to happen”. ”

As if on a cue …

Here comes Godzilla. To protect his young friend …

The battle continues!

The above part of the monster’s movement on the beast is like a dream fulfilled for Kaiju fans.

With this action set completely excited, it’s time to return to the basic plot of the Godzilla vs Kong. Specifically, with two movies proving Godzilla as a beast of benevolence, why would he suddenly attack a bunch of ships? It seems that someone is playing with it. Maybe this person is Walter Simmons (Demian Basher). Or maybe this guy …

It is unclear who any of these characters are yet, but the person pictured here definitely stands before a reading indicating this film’s use of Mechagodzilla. Based on the opening shots, Mechagodzilla doesn’t look like this movie as the hero.

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This brings us to a reintroduction Godzilla: King of Monsters The characters, starting with Mark Russell of Kyle Chandler, still run wildly screaming about Godzilla. It looks like he might be right this time.

On her own Godzilla adventure, we also have the returning Millie Bobby Brown, this time joined by Julian Dennison and Brian Tyry Henry to find out who is behind this most violent and violent Godzilla that’s causing havoc everywhere.

Speaking of mean Godzilla’s devastation, here’s a good shot for some. This movie really doesn’t stop its atomic breath.

The trailer continues with a greater focus on Kong, and tells about the great kaiju war of the past, and that only Godzilla and Kung survived. This idea accompanies a lot of out-of-context images – Kong grabs an ax, Kong kills animals on Skull Island, and Kong puts his hand on a bloody footprint – but none of it brightens up the dialogue we hear. What was this war? Was it MUTO, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah, or whatever other kaiju we saw on King of beasts Part of it? Have you ever encountered Kong and Godzilla?

For those who wonder how Lil Kong is now old enough to face Godzilla at all, the answer seems simpler than expected: the Kong we saw in Kong: Skull Island Not completed yet. Here you are.

The trailer definitely makes it seem like the climax of the movie with a big brawl in a neon-lit city. Due to Mechagodzilla’s absence in these footage, it is also possible that this was just another trailer-rich battle near the middle of the film, with a larger battle still kept secret at this time.

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This could be daytime combat, for example.

The fighters are not completely alone in city combat. This shot shows a kind of winged bat object listening to Kong. The bright colors underneath indicate that this is part of that sequence, but what are these little ones doing at all?

It’s easy to lose track of the casualties all this fighting requires. Hey, there doesn’t need to be a huge focus on humans anyway. However, this battle-donned Alexander Skarsgard shot hints at a few bad things in store for his character.

But let’s be honest. The above three pics are what we all came to this movie for and it looks like Godzilla vs Kong You will serve it in great abundance. Just out of what we see here, we have ship battle, daylight combat, and city combat. On top of that, we have Kong kicking his ass at Skull Island and a group of still-unseen action that includes Mechagodzilla. That’s a whole lot of working sets for a movie like this one. Hopefully Godzilla vs Kong It fulfills the promise of this fun trailer. If nothing else, we now have a movie in which King Kong fights Godzilla with an ax. It’s hard to imagine anything cooler than that.


Godzilla vs Kong It hits theaters and HBO Max on March 26, 2021.

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