April 26, 2024

Tierschutz fordert neuen Namen für Lego Bauernhof: "Blutiges Geschäft!"

Animal Protection calls for a new name for the LEGO farm: “Bloody Business!”

Animal Welfare Organization “BETA” reveals deception in the game trade!

Campaign group “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” (Beta for short) Initiates a multi-million dollar procedure lego toy company. The farm is depicted with small smiling figures and happy animals, obscuring the “bloody deeds” of Livestock. This gives children the wrong impression Farming Transfer.

There was interest in others:

Bad message to Lego: ‘The Farm’ should be renamed!

In a letter to Mimi Bakhichi, CEO of Lego, he wrote: “Animal husbandry is a bloody and cruel businessAnd in 2022 no company should be promoting it, especially not to children. Peaceful farm scenes It obscures the truth about putting chickens in cages and pigs in cramped pens and sending cows to the slaughterhouse.”

Game farms should be inanimal shelters“Renaming it, it requires an animal protection organization. So that children do not get the impression that the farms are peaceful as shown by Lego.

Headwinds from meat production: kids need peaceful animal scenes!

The National Beef Association He shoots: “This is a misleading message from PETA. We have a responsibility to help children with help farm games Teach them where their food comes from.”

Sociology professor Frank Furedi from the University of Kent (UK) also says: “The beta message takes on something natural and innocent, like this Children’s interest in farm animalsand turn it into something evil.”

Lego declined to comment on the allegations It continues to produce farms with smiling cows and happy pigs.

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