May 16, 2024

Amazon is turning Echo Connect into e-waste: People are fighting back

Echo Connect still helps people with disabilities

the Petition It was started by someone who said he was paraplegic and had no hand function. It can use Echo Connect via Alexa devices “You can easily contact helpers, parents and neighbors from your bed”If he needs help. With the petition “Amazon Urgent” Requested, “To reconsider this decision and turn off Echo Connect”.

Petitioner fears Echo Connect will be shut down “Depriving many people with disabilities of a piece of independence and safety.” He was. Echo Connect is available to those affected “Almost emergency call system” The present and can “A vital security measure in every room that has an Alexa device.” He is.

According to the petition, there are no exact figures on how many people in Germany will be affected by the closure of Echo Connect. According to information from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for 2019, about 7.9 million people with severe disabilities live in Germany.

The petition was started on February 10, 2024 and aims to find at least 100 supporters. As of the early morning of February 12, 2024, 54 people have supported the petition.