May 5, 2024

Preventing bone loss in diabetes • HealthNews

Preventing bone loss in diabetes • HealthNews

It is estimated that one in every fourth person over 50 suffers in Germany For bone loss (osteoporosis). Diabetes can also accelerate bone loss and thus promote osteoporosis. Proper exercise and vitamin D intake can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and thus bone fracture.

Preventing osteoporosis through exercise

Osteoporosis increases this The possibility of breaking a bone In the event of a fall. This is a particular problem with the elderly. A hip fracture can lead to immobility, pneumonia, or in the worst case, long-term disability. Additionally, there is also a risk factor for diabetes: Studies showWhich – which diabetic Speeding up the process of bone fracturing and, as a result, strengthening bone fractures. This is especially problematic when people with diabetes move around a little and also have “an unstable metabolism with high levels of glucose,” says Professor Huck, chief physician at the Diabetes Center in Mergentheim.
Therefore, the elderly and diabetics in particular are advised to use the current mild weather for hiking, cycling and other activities. Especially during the lockdown, it is important to be most active in the fresh air and absorb the sun’s rays. Regular exercise outside has an effect Positive for body and mind It not only reduces the risk of fractures, but also depression and even cancer. It also strengthens the immune system and can prevent or prevent dementia Delayed neurodegeneration.

Vitamin D stores are full

Plus not exercising, and that holds true as well Vitamin D deficiency. As one of the main causes of osteoporosis. Our bodies can produce this vitamin, which is actually a hormone, using sunlight. Vitamin D strengthens bones by ensuring that calcium from food is more easily absorbed by the intestine and stored in the bones. It is for this reason that we especially recommend elderly people with diabetes to be active again regularly outside with increased daylight and warmer temperatures. This promotes vitamin D formation and bone stability, says Professor Huck.

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Strengthening the bones inside and out

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the body can use sunlight sufficiently from March through October to produce vitamin D. Then the UVB radiation will be intense enough. Summer sun can be stored in the body, as the level of vitamin D drops in the dark season and must be replenished in the spring. But not just through the sun and movement, but also With the diet You can strengthen your bones. Calcium is necessary, of course, for strong bones. It is found in fruits and vegetables, Nuts As well as dairy products. Sea fish contains a lot of the important vitamin D, and mushrooms and eggs or their by-products such as liver are rich in them. However, only about 10-20 percent of vitamin D is provided through food, and a large portion of the requirement is covered by sunlight. The following applies to diabetics and non-diabetics: Get outdoors and enjoy the spring weather!