May 16, 2024

Never used sunscreen: Australians must remove 'more than 100 skin cancers'.

Lee Racho suffered from skin cancer for many years because he never used sunscreen. He used to be a lifeguard so he spent most of his life outside.


Lee Racho has worked as a lifeguard for years, and says she never wore sunscreen or a hat. The result: Australians had their skin cancer removed more than a hundred times.

no time? Blue News sums it up for you

  • Lee Rachou has suffered from skin cancer for many years and has already had four melanomas removed – the most serious form of skin cancer.
  • The Australian has worked as a lifeguard for years and therefore spends a lot of time outdoors.
  • According to him, he never used sunscreen and did not wear a hat.
  • Diseases are the result of this, as he admitted in an interview.
  • It is believed that they have already managed to “eradicate 200 cases of skin cancer” from it.

Leigh Raaschou's story will likely convince even the biggest sun whiner. The Australian has been suffering from skin cancer for years – his body is covered in scars and his skin is covered in spots. Due to various operations, Rashu's skull was completely deformed.

The Aussie's story shows how powerful the sun really is and how important proper UV protection is. “As you can see from the skin transplants, among other things, more than 100 skin cancers were removed from me, probably closer to 200,” says Rasho. “Ahroof Akhbar”.

Rashu has worked outdoors as a lifeguard most of his life. “I never wore a hat or sunscreen, and this is the result of that,” he admitted in the interview.

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Rashu's wife “is constantly worried about new melanomas,” explains the skin cancer patient.

The former rescuer shares his story on Facebook and shows shocking photos. A total of four melanomas have been removed at Rashu since 1998. This is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Although only 6% of melanoma cells are the cause of skin cancer, they are responsible for 80% of deaths.

Cancer attacked the bones of the skull

Because the cancer had penetrated the bone in his skull, part of it had to be removed and replaced with a titanium plate, Rasho told ABC News. “Unfortunately, an infection developed between the plate and my brain and it had to be removed.”

Because the risk was too high and could have led to a cerebral hemorrhage, the plate was not reinserted. This is why Rashu's skull is now completely deformed and almost flat at the top.

A glimmer of hope thanks to the new study

By now, the Australian had been exposed to radiation in all areas of his head. There are no other treatment options for him.

The results of a new study offer a former lifeguard a small glimmer of hope. Scientists from Charles Darwin University and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology claim to have discovered that a certain cannabis extract has a “killing effect” on skin cancer cells, ABC News reports.

But the research is still in its early stages, and before this treatment can be approved for use in humans, the issue of funding and testing on animals must first be addressed.

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Rashu continues fighting. The effect of radiotherapy on his hearing and vision. Despite everything, the Australian did not lose his will to live. “I take it one day at a time, putting one foot in front of the other.”

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