May 16, 2024

The plane stays on the ground, and the pilot keeps the mood with good humour

Since the flight from Frankfurt to Oslo was severely delayed, the mood on board was threatening to change. But everything remained calm, thanks to the charming pilot.

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zVg – Despite long waits, the captain keeps passengers happy with his humor and understanding manner.

The basics in a nutshell

  • One reader's trip was threatened by wait times.
  • Departure from Frankfurt to Oslo was delayed several times.
  • The pilot knew how to talk to the guests in a calm manner.

Wait, wait, and wait again – delays and delays can be very stressful when traveling. reader Melinda R.* recently witnessed this firsthand. Their journey contained many obstacles – but it was also a very humorous and charming pilot.

Melinda wanted to fly from Basel to Oslo. But a stop was planned in Frankfurt, and here fate took its course.

Staff shortages lead to wait times

There is actually a delay when boarding the plane in Frankfurt: it doesn't take off until 1:30pm – but the flight was supposed to start at 12:50pm. When we got to the plane, the pilot spoke immediately.

Departure will be further delayed because bags cannot be loaded yet. The pilot explains that there is a staff shortage.

Lufthansa plane. – Corner stone

First more problems in Oslo – then finally “clarity”

Then comes the next bad news, as the snow in Oslo is also causing problems and delays. The pilot reports back. He's breathing hard through the loudspeaker – and has no choice but to ask for forgiveness.

Opinion poll

Do you feel nervous when traveling?

Yes, a little delay and I'm going crazy.


I take everything very lightly.


But he makes a second request to passengers: “My colleagues on the plane can't do anything about it.” He is open to any concerns passengers may have, but they must “stay nice to the crew.”

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zVg – The captain finally receives the “evacuation” – the voyage can finally begin.

He admires the passengers: “To be honest, I like you, I'm about to jump out of my pants here. Thank you for handling everything so calmly, thank you!”

After hours of delay, the light appears at the end of the tunnel. “We just got permission to start the engines,” the pilot explains solemnly.

“I have never experienced such a series of mishaps,” laughs reader Melinda R., “but the pilot’s funny sayings made the wait more bearable.”

The affected airline Lufthansa left a request from unanswered.