May 16, 2024

Generation Z needs ten skincare products every night

A serum here, a cream there, a peel there: for many young people, skin care is a real hobby. An expert warns against exaggeration

Teenagers are being lured into 'unnecessary' skincare regimes by social media influencers. – TikTok/@nadina_ioana

The basics in a nutshell

  • Influencers and the like are busy promoting skincare products on social media.
  • Trending: Ten-step Korean skincare routine.
  • A skin expert doesn't think so — and warns against using too many products.

“Skincare has been one of my biggest expenses for a long time,” says 16-year-old Dina H.*. Until recently, the Bernese native was still going to school – and had pocket money of 40 francs a month. “Of this amount, 50 francs were spent every three to four months on creams, cleaning products, etc.”

I was primarily influenced by Tiktok. “There are skincare videos everywhere. Everyone recommends some other product,” she says. In fact, skincare is a huge topic on the platform: the term has received more than 258 billion clicks in English.

Trend: The so-called “ten-step Korean skincare routine” (German: ten-step Korean skincare routine), in which ten products are used. Most of them every day – if you buy them all, you'll quickly spend 200 francs.

“Aggressive advertising”

For teenagers who only have pocket money or who are studying, this is a huge amount. Then there are also special brushes and devices that are supposed to clean the skin – cost: between 20 and 170 francs.

For him, it's clear: “Aggressive advertising on social media for lifestyle products is a problem.” Young people in particular will be inundated with advertisements from influencers.

Opinion poll

How important is your skin to you?

I just put my face in the water in the shower in the morning.


Of course, at 40 I look like everyone else looks at 20.


Zurich dermatologist Dr. Liv Kramer, who educates about skin care on social media (@drliv on Instagram). Teenagers are heavily influenced by YouTube stars and self-proclaimed skin experts, and are lured into unnecessary skincare regimes. “For example, an eleven-year-old is persuaded to use eye cream and masks daily.”

Influencer advertising result: “All teens use too many products and devices.” This is a complete waste of time and money.

Two to three steps are sufficient

She doesn't believe in the 10-step routine either. “Who has the time or desire to spend a long time in the bathroom when two or three steps are equally effective?”

The trend is: “the less, the better.” It is important that you use products that contain the correct ingredients in the correct order.

The first step in the morning: “Definitely wash your face, not just with water, but with a cleanser. It preferably contains active ingredients such as AHA. Step 2: “Sun protection.”

Or: “Just a light, basic care product that contains ingredients like bifido enzymes, Lactobacillus bacteria, or niacinamides.”

Dina, 16, now only needs a few products. This will significantly reduce the strain on your budget – “and my skin has improved too.”

*The editor's name is known