May 13, 2024

Partial lunar eclipse this weekend – Science

When the full moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, it temporarily appears as if it has been nibbled off. Such a scene can be seen on the weekend.

Heppenheim/Offenbach (dpa) – Sky watchers can see a partial solar eclipse over Germany this weekend. This phenomenon can be seen with the naked eye on the evening of Saturday, October 28, said Caroline Lefke of the Friends of the Stars Association. The Earth will darken the Moon by a maximum of six percent. The full moon will look like it has been gnawed away: “You can see that something is missing.”

The partial lunar eclipse can be seen across Germany. But according to the German Meteorological Service in Offenbach, there will likely be cloud cover in many places. People will have the best chances in a strip extending from the North Sea coast to Lusatia and south of the Danube. Farther north, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Rhineland, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg, and Lower Franconia, the chances are perhaps rather slim.

During such an event, the Moon crosses the Earth’s orbit at the time of the full moon and partially enters the Earth’s shadow. This phenomenon should also be visible in cities, Lefke said. The moon will enter the Earth’s shadow at around 9:35 pm, and the peak of the lunar eclipse is expected to reach around 10:14 pm. At 10:53 pm, the Moon leaves the Earth’s shadow again.

Observatories and astronomy clubs across the country invite you to attend on October 28 Astronomy Day In addition to a view of the starry sky, you can also offer lectures and other supporting programs. Lefke said the visit is worth it even when the sky is cloudy. Using live broadcasts from other locations, you can see what the phenomenon looks like under clear skies. The next lunar eclipse is not expected to occur before 2025.

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