June 16, 2024

All chats and photos can be deleted

  1. Fulda newspaper
  2. advisor

WhatsApp regularly introduces new functionality. But it is unlikely that all application rules are known. What you need to know about the 120 day period.

Kassel – The smartphone is increasingly dominating daily life, a study by Postbank has found. According to this, users spend an average of 20.2 hours per week on the Internet using their mobile phones. WhatsApp He is one of the most popular messengers. Recently The company announced a new feature.

Inactive on WhatsApp: The account with photos and chats will be deleted after 120 days

If you prefer to reduce your screen time, you shouldn’t stay away from WhatsApp for too long. Because after a certain period of time, photos and chats can be deleted from the messenger.

Developer Whatsapp Inc./Informative Platforms
Year of development 2009
seat Menlo Park, California (USA)

At least that’s what a look at WhatsApp’s guidelines reveals. Inactive accounts will be deleted after a certain period of time. Users are not warned in advance, the instant messaging service writes on its site privacy policy.

She added: “To maintain security, limit data retention, and ensure user privacy, WhatsApp accounts are usually deleted after 120 days of inactivity.” This means: users do not connect to the app for 120 days, hna.de reports.

Every 30 days, WhatsApp checks whether the account is active or inactive. If the account remains inactive for 120 days or more, it will be deleted. But what is the benefit of this function? The company wants to protect the privacy of its users.

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WhatsApp Deadline: How to Keep Your Account Active

If users change their phone number, they will also set up a new WhatsApp account. The old number can be given to someone else by the network operator after a certain period of time. So that the new owner cannot access all of the previous user’s data, photos, and conversations, WhatsApp deletes the account. Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg recently introduced a functionality that will make WhatsApp more secure It must be.

All you need to stay active is an internet connection. The company noted, “If the user has the WhatsApp application on his device but there is no internet connection, the account is considered inactive.” If your WhatsApp account is deleted, the stored content will remain locally until the app is uninstalled from the device.

The WhatsApp messaging service is popular with many users. © Fabian Sommer/DPA/Symbolbild

You don’t have to worry about deleting your data if you use it regularly. WhatsApp sets a very generous deadline of 120 days. This means that users can stay away from the app for a few days or weeks without losing their data.

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