April 29, 2024

Leading countries in the development of AI tools

Last week, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen delivered a speech to parliament written by Chat GPT, in which she described the AI ​​tool’s capabilities in fascinating and terrifying terms. Although Denmark is home to Zedensk, one of the world’s leading AI tools, many countries are competing to create the next big thing. But how does Denmark compare to the rest of the world?

A new study conducted by Dipaldi analyzed data to identify the countries that developed the most AI tools around the world.

Leading Countries in Development of AI Tools:

The US is leading the way in AI development. Of the 45 AI tools analyzed, 57.7% were developed in the US, including ChatGPT, Freshchat, Pictory, Genesys and WordAi.

More than 22% of AI development hotspots are in “other” countries, including Denmark. Zendesk originated in Denmark, Live Chat originated in Poland and HitPaw originated in Hong Kong.

A third is Canada, which is responsible for developing 6.6% of the AI ​​tools we selected. Three apps developed in Canada include Lumen5, Looka and Meya AI. Although Canada is a leader in developing AI tools, none of its current offerings perform well enough to rank among the best or most sought-after AI tools.

France, Germany and the UK each account for 4.4% of the rest of the table, with Cleanup.Pictures and ItsAlive originating in France, Userlike and Lalal.ai originating in Germany, and EBI.AI and Flick originating in the UK.

More facts from the survey

  • ChatGPT is the most searched AI tool with over 388.5 million Google searches.
  • TenserFlow is the most followed AI tool on Twitter with a total of 363,900 followers.
  • Freshchat Storms tops the list for AI tool with the most LinkedIn followers (622,782).
  • Top-rated AI tools on G2 include US companies Krisp, Copy.ai and Podcastle, and Brazilian company Jivochat with a rating of 4.8/5.
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