May 5, 2024

Science: The FDP wants to advance nuclear fusion research

The FDP wants to advance nuclear fusion research

This illustration shows a NIF target pellet in a cavity capsule with laser beams entering through ports at either end. The beams compress and heat the target according to the conditions required for nuclear fusion. Photo

© – / Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory / Dr

Recently, American researchers succeeded in nuclear fusion for the first time, in which more energy was generated than was consumed. The FDP parliamentary group leader also sees opportunities for German energy policy in this regard.

According to the will of the FDP, Germany should become a pioneer in the use of nuclear fusion. “It would be great if the first nuclear fusion reactor, producing electricity for businesses and households, was built in Germany. That should be our goal,” Christian Dürr, leader of the FDP’s parliamentary group, said in the Augsburger Allgemeine. That is why he is proposing that the Traffic Light Coalition legislate the possibilities of developing nuclear fusion.

Dorr complained that energy policy has been too prohibitive and restrictive in recent years. “But when it comes to the question of how we will shape our energy supplies in the future, we have to be open to technology. I hope the Greens not only look back, but also look to the future,” said the FDP parliamentary party group leader. Over the Christmas holidays, politician Jens Spahn appealed to the federal government to promote research into nuclear fusion as an energy source in Germany.

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The time frame is currently unclear

In nuclear fusion, unlike in reactors in nuclear power plants, the atomic nuclei fuse rather than split apart. In theory, very large amounts of energy could be generated this way – and in a climate-neutral way. But in practice, this has been difficult so far. A few weeks ago, the US government announced that it had succeeded for the first time in fusing atomic nuclei to obtain more energy than was consumed.

However, it is questionable if and when the technology can be used for large-scale power generation. As early as the 1980s, scientists announced “breakthroughs” that, in the end, were not. But what is indisputable is that progress has been made in recent years.
