May 5, 2024

Strawberry and coconut cake recipe - suitable for fun

Strawberry and coconut cake recipe – suitable for fun


suitable factorLess than 300 calories

healthy because…
Strawberries contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Only 200 grams of sweet red fruit provides the body with the recommended daily dose. Strawberries also contain valuable antioxidants. Although this cake is a small sin, it gets very few calories.


Wheat flour, coconut flour, oat milk, agave syrup, oil, baking powder

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix with a hand mixer to form a smooth mixture. Grease a springform pan (26 cm) and pour the mixture into the mixture.

Springform frying pan, oven

Bake the dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees from top / bottom for 30 minutes. Test the chopsticks and remove the cake from the oven when the dough does not stick to the skewer. Let it cool in the mold for half an hour, then turn it on a wire rack and let it cool completely.

Coconut Pumpkin, Vanilla, Strawberry

cocojourt with vanilla extract Mix and spread the mixture over the cooled cake base. Wash and cut the strawberries and spread them over the coconut mixture.

Potato starch, water, strawberry jam, desiccated coconut

For glaze, mix potato starch with 2 tablespoons water and strawberry jam until smooth. Boil the remaining water and stir it with the cornstarch. Pour the finished glaze over the strawberries. Garnished with coconut flakes.

Strawberry Coconut Cake recipe with all the necessary ingredients and the simplest way to prepare – cook in a healthy way with FIT FOR FUN

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