May 5, 2024

The science - Bad Heindelang - How does mountain air help allergy sufferers?  University research in Allgäu, Bavaria

The science – Bad Heindelang – How does mountain air help allergy sufferers? University research in Allgäu, Bavaria

Science – Bad Hindelang:How does mountain air help allergy sufferers? University research in Allgäu

Parker sitting on a bench in front of mountain panorama. Photo: Karl Josef Hildenbrand/dpa/symbolbild (Photo: dpa)

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Bad Heindelang (dpa/lb) – Scientists from the University of Augsburg want to research in the Allgäu how fresh mountain air can relieve symptoms of allergy sufferers. Representatives of the resort town of Bad Heindelang and the university signed a cooperation agreement on Monday. Air quality and environmental conditions have proven to be particularly good there for allergy sufferers, Claudia Tridel Hoffmann, professor of environmental medicine in Augsburg. “We want to understand how this good environment protects us.”

The project involves, among other things, the use of a “digital health guide” for people in Bad Hindelang. The application project, which will start in mid-May, is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Health, in the amount of €200,000. Researchers at the University of Augsburg want to use the data to compare the effects of the environment on people in Allgäu with those in cities. According to the university, the investigations are scheduled to be completed in February 2025.

Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holechek (CSU) said on Monday that Bad Heindelange is indeed a “lifeboat for allergy sufferers”. “This will now go deeper again.”

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