April 29, 2024

Unbekanntes (usrprünglich als Erdbeben) gemeldetes Ereignis: 3.6 km südwestlich von West Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi, USA, am Mittwoch,  1. Sep 2021 um 07:04 Lokalzeit

Unknown event (originally earthquake) reported: 2.2 miles southwest of West Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi, USA on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7:04 AM local time

Earthquake status: highly uncertain

It is unlikely that this event was caused by a natural earthquake as it has not been confirmed by official seismic data. In most cases, it was another earthquake-like event of natural or artificial origin (eg, mine activity, eruptions, sonic booms, thunder, etc.).
Initial report below:

Although our monitoring service initially detected network activity typical of an earthquake, there was no confirmation from any national or international seismological agency. For this reason, it is highly unlikely that it was caused by an earthquake.

Updated: September 2, 2021 03:43 AM GMT –

30.3754°N / 89.11119°W (Harrison, Mississippi, US)
Seismic opposite pole: 30.375°S / 90,889°E
Nearby places and cities:
4 km SSW from West Gulfport (pop: 71300) -> earthquake is near!
5 km northeast long beach (Pop count: 15600) -> Near earthquake!
22 km west Biloxi (bang: 45600) -> earthquake is near!
22 km northwest Seymour (bang: 11400) -> earthquake is near!
22 km from ENE St. Louis Bay (pop: 9260) -> earthquakes nearby!
27 km west Ocean Springs (pop: 17600) -> earthquakes nearby!
48 km west gautier (pop: 18600) -> earthquake is near!
104 km from ENE New Orleans (Louisiana) (bang: 389600) -> earthquake is near!
108 km northwest of Mobile (Alabama) (pop count: 194300) -> earthquake is near!
237 km southeast Jackson (pop count: 170,700) -> earthquake is near!

Weather in the epicenter at the time of the earthquake:
scattered clouds 24.4 °C (76 F), humidity: 97%, wind: 2 m/s (3 knots) from the northwest

Primary data source: volcano discovery

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