May 5, 2024

Research residency in Canada |  MedEcon Ruhr

Research residency in Canada | MedEcon Ruhr

Two Interns in Urology Clinic Receive Scholarships from DFG

St. Elizabeth Group GMBH
AM 15.07.21

How can urological oncology be customized? What is the effect of urinary tract stones on the movement of the ureter? These two questions concern d. Moritz Rick and Dr. Alina Richers, Intern at the Urology Clinic at Marien Hearn Hospital – University Clinic of the Ruhr University Bochum. Both have been awarded scholarships by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e. V. (DFG) for a research stay at various institutes at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Dr. Alina Richers

The assistant physician, Dr. Alina Richers is already in Vancouver. At the University of British Columbia, she conducts basic urological research on the activity of the muscles of the ureters, also known as peristalsis, after urinary obstruction. Urinary congestion occurs, for example, when the ureter is blocked by urinary tract stones. The urine then returns from the bladder to the kidneys. “The goal of my research is to find out how urinary congestion affects the ureters, because not much is known about the long-term effects yet,” explains Dr. Alina Richers. Prior to being in Vancouver, Dr. Alina Richers with Dr. Peter Bach, Senior Physician at the Urology Clinic, has conducted several clinical studies on the internal urological care of stone patients. She deepens the knowledge gained here during her stay in Vancouver.

Dr. Moritz Reich

Dr. On the other hand, Moritz Recke will conduct research from October this year under the supervision of Prof. D. Florian Rugman, MD, chief medical officer of the Urology Clinic at Marine Hearn Hospital, and Professor Peter Black in Vancouver on invasive urothelial carcinoma. This is bladder cancer that affects the muscles. “Treatment initially includes chemotherapy. This is followed by a radical cystectomy,” explains Dr. Moritz Recke, Physician Assistant at the Urology Clinic. However, not all patients benefit from chemotherapy.

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“The goal of our research project is an individualized treatment of the patient. We are looking for oncology, what kind of treatment, e.g. Chemotherapy treatment. Based on the results, the treatment can be appropriate for the patient.” Moritz Reich. In patients with urothelial carcinoma, tumor analysis can then be used to determine whether pre-operative chemotherapy is advisable.

“We are pleased that our interns have the opportunity to conduct research with international experts at a renowned university in Canada, thus gaining new insights into their field of research. Research is given particularly high priority in medicine, as this is the only way to continually improve patient treatment,” says Prof. D. . Joachim Noldus, MD, director of the urology clinic at Marine Hearn Hospital.

health research