May 3, 2024

Science – Berlin – Lageso expert: crack down on tiger mosquitoes – Knowledge

BERLIN (dpa/bb) – The State Office for Health and Social Affairs calls for decisive action against tiger mosquitoes in Berlin. “In February, we comprehensively informed both the Senate and the District Health Department about the impending danger,” Daniel Sagebiel of the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) told “Tagesspiegel” (Wednesday). “We have proposed to fight the tiger mosquito in the same way that is being done with success in other places – for example in Baden-Württemberg or Rhineland-Palatinate.”

This also includes the elimination of potential breeding grounds in infected areas and, in some cases, the use of a larvicide biocide, that is, an agent that kills mosquito larvae. “Unfortunately, many county offices do not consider it necessary or even available to use larvicides,” Sagbiel said.

says the epidemiologist at Lageso, who is in charge of infectious disease monitoring in Berlin and environmental health protection.

“There is only a narrow window of time in Berlin for the eradication of known tiger mosquito populations,” Sagebel warned. “In the next few years they would have spread so much that there would be a danger of serious tropical diseases which hitherto had only been transmitted by travelers to Berlin.”

In southern regions, mosquito species regularly transmit viruses that can cause tropical diseases such as dengue, West Nile, Chikungunya and Zika. Some environmentalists criticize the use of larvicides against tiger mosquitoes because of potential unwanted long-term effects.

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